Luke 1:1-4 - "Luke and His Gospel"
Luke 1:5-14, 18-25 - "The Hope of Zacharias"
Luke 1:15-17 - "John the Baptist"
Luke 1:26-38 - "The Annunciation"
Luke 1:39-55 - "Mary & Elizabeth"
Luke 1:56-66 - "The Birth of John the Baptist"
Luke 1:67-80 - "The Song of Zacharias"
Luke 2:1-7 - "The Birth of the Messiah"
Luke 2:8-20 - "The Messiah Announced"
Luke 2:21-38 - "Presentation & Testimony"
Luke 2:39-52 - "Jesus Grows Up"
Luke 3:1-6 - "The Ministry of John the Baptist"
Luke 3:7-14, 18-20 - "The Message of John the Baptist"
Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 - "The Baptism of Christ"
Luke 3:23-38 - "The Royal Line"
Luke 4:1-13 - "The Temptation of Christ"
Luke 4:14-30 - "Jesus at Nazareth"
Luke 4:31-44 - "Jesus the Deliverer"
Luke 5:1-11 - "The Cost of a Fishing License"
Luke 5:12-26 - "Healing & Forgiveness"
Luke 5:27-39 - "The Distinctiveness of the Gospel"
Luke 6:1-11 - "The Lord of the Sabbath"
Luke 6:12-19 - "Calling the Twelve"
Luke 6:20-26 - "Sooner or Later"
Luke 6:27-38 - "Life in the Kingdom"
Luke 6:39-49 - "A Life of Integrity"
Luke 7:1-10 - "The Man Who Astonished God"
Luke 7:11-17 - "Victory Over Death"
Luke 7:18-23 - "No Doubt"
Luke 7:24-30 - "The Greatest Man Ever"
Luke 7:31-35 - "Never Satisfied"
Luke 7:36-50 - "The Sinner and the Self-Righteous Man"
Luke 8:1-3 - "Snapshot of a Ministry"
Luke 8:4-15 - "The Parable of the Soils"
Luke 8:16-21 - "Take Care How You Listen"
Luke 8:22-25 - "Calming the Storm"
Luke 8:26-39 - "An Unlikely Missionary"
Luke 8:40-56 - "Loud Faith/Quiet Faith"
Luke 9:1-9 - "Picture of a Witness"
Luke 9:10-17 - "An Unexpected Feast"
Luke 9:18-22 - "An Unavoidable Question"
Luke 9:23-26 - "The Cost of Discipleship"
Luke 9:27-36 - "The Transfiguration"
Luke 9:37-43 - "The Significance of Faith"
Luke 9:46-50 - "Pride & Prejudice"
Luke 9:51-56 - "The Wrong Perspective"
Luke 9:57-62 - "Barriers to Discipleship"
Luke 10:1-16 - "Principles of Evangelism"
Luke 10:17-24 - "Joy & Even Greater Joy"
Luke 10:25-37 - "The Answer to an Important Question"
Luke 10:38-42 - "A Word About Priorities"
Luke 11:1-2 - "A Pattern for Prayer, the O.T. Context"
Luke 11:2 - "A Pattern for Prayer, God's Greatness"
Luke 11:3-4 - "A Pattern for Prayer, Man's Need"
Luke 11:5-13 - "The Generosity of God"
Luke 11:14-23 - "Choosing Sides"
Luke 11:24-28 - "Transformation or Reformation"
Luke 11:29-36 - "The Sign of Jonah"
Luke 11:37-54 - "Woes to the Pharisees and Scribes"
Luke 12:1-12 - "God Cares"
Luke 12:13-21 - "The Wealthy Fool"
Luke 12:22-34 - "The Cure for Stress"
Luke 12:35-48 - "Be Ready"
Luke 12:49-59 - "The Opportunity"
Luke 13:1-9 - "A Call to Repentance"
Luke 13:10-17 - "Conflict in the Synagogue"
Luke 13:18-21 - "The Nature of the Kingdom"
Luke 13:22-30 - "An Inconvenient Truth"
Luke 13:31-35 - "Lament Over Jerusalem"
Luke 14:1-14 - "Conflict on the Sabbath, Redux"
Luke 14:15-24 - "A Banquet Invitation"
Luke 14:25-35 - "Exacting Discipleship"
Luke 15:1-10 - "Regaining the Lost"
Luke 15:11-32 - "The Prodigal Son, Part 1 - The Younger Son"
Luke 15:11-32 - "The Prodigal Son, Part 2 - The Father"
Luke 15:11-32 - "The Prodigal Son, Part 3 - The Elder Son"
Luke 16:1-13 - "The Unrighteous Steward"
Luke 16:14-18 - "The Definition of a Pharisee"
Luke 16:19-31 - "The Rich Man and Lazarus"
Luke 17:1-10 - "A Lesson in Humility"
Luke 17:11-19 - "Ten Healed, One Saved"
Luke 17:20-37 - "The Kingdom of God Described"
Luke 18:1-8 - "Pray and Don't Lose Heart"
Luke 18:9-14 - "The Pharisee and the Tax Collector"
Luke 18:15-17 - "Jesus Loves the Little Children"
Luke 18:18-30 - "The Rich Young Ruler"
Luke 18:31-34 - "The Suffering Messiah"
Luke 18:35-43 - "The Great Question"
Luke 19:1-10 - "The Seeking Savior"
Luke 19:11-27 - "Stewardship"
Luke 19:28-44 - "Jesus Enters Jerusalem"
Luke 19:45-48 - "Confrontation in the Temple"
Luke 20:1-8 - "A Challenge to Authority"
Luke 20:9-18 - "The Parable of the Vine Growers"
Luke 20:19-26 - "The Tribute Money"
Luke 20:27-40 - "Confrontation with the Sadducees"
Luke 20:41-44 - "David's Son and Lord"
Luke 20:45-21:4 - "The Widow's Gift"
Luke 21:5-9 - "The Destruction of the Temple Foretold"
Luke 21:10-19 - "Prepare for Persecution"
Luke 21:20-24 - "The Destruction of Jerusalem"
Luke 21:25-38 - "The Return of Christ"
Luke 22:1-13 - "The Preparation for the Passover"
Luke 22:14-23 - "A Last Meal"
Luke 22:24-38 - "Table Talk"
Luke 22:39-46 - "The Garden of Gethsemane"
Luke 22:47-53 - "The Betrayal"
Luke 22:54-62 - "A Lesson in Overconfidence"
Luke 22:63-71 - "Jesus Before the Sanhedrin"
Luke 23:1-12 - "Jesus Before Pilate"
Luke 23:13-25 - "The Final Verdict"
Luke 23:26-32 - "The Road to Calvary"
Luke 23:33-49 - "The Crucifixion"
Luke 23:50-56 - "The Burial"
Luke 24:1-12 - "The Resurrection"
Luke 24:13-35 - "The Road to Emmaus"
Luke 24:36-43 - "Removing All Doubt"
Luke 24:44-53 - "The Great Commission and Ascension"