Matthew 1:1-17 - "The Geneaology of Christ" Notes Matthew 1:18-25 - "The Birth of Christ" Notes Matthew 2:1-12 - "The Prophecy of Behtlehem" Notes Matthew 2:13-23 - "The Escape to Egypt" Notes Matthew 3:1-12 - "The Preaching of John the Baptist" Notes Matthew 3:13-17 - "The Baptism of Jesus" Notes Matthew 4:1-11 - "The Temptation of Jesus" Notes Matthew 4:12-25 - "The Beginning of Jesus' Ministry" Notes Matthew 5:1-10 - "The Beatitudes" Notes Matthew 5:11-12 - "Persecution" Notes Matthew 5:13-16 - "Our Ministry to the World" Notes Matthew 5:21-26 - "Understanding Anger" Notes Matthew 5:27-30 - "Understanding Lust" Notes Matthew 5:31-32 - "Understanding Divorce" Notes Matthew 5:33-37 - "Understanding Oaths" Notes Matthew 5:38-42 - "Understanding Retaliation" Notes Matthew 5:43-48 - "Understanding Love" Notes Matthew 6:1-4 - "Understanding Giving" Notes Matthew 6:5-13 - "Understanding Prayer" Notes Matthew 6:14-15 - "Understanding Forgiveness" Notes Matthew 6:16-18 - "Understanding Fasting" Notes Matthew 6:19-24 - "Understanding Money" Notes Matthew 6:25-34 - "Understanding Anxiety" Notes Matthew 7:1-5 - "Understanding Judgment" Notes Matthew 7:6 - "Understanding Discernment" Notes Matthew 7:7-12 - "Understanding The Golden Rule" Notes Matthew 7:13-14 - "Understanding the Two Gates and Paths" Notes Matthew 7:15-20 - "Understanding the Two Trees and Fruits" Notes Matthew 7:21-23 - "Understanding the Two Claims and Practices" Notes Matthew 7:24-27 - "Understanding the Two Houses and Foundations" Notes Matthew 7:28-29 - "Understanding the Authority of Jesus" Notes Matthew 8:1-4 - "The Healing of a Leper" Notes Matthew 8:5-13 - "The Healing of a Centurion's Servant" Notes Matthew 8:14-17 - "The Healing of Peter's Mother-in-Law" Notes Matthew 8:18-22 - "Jesus' Authoirty Over His Disciples" Notes Matthew 8:23-27 - "The Calming of the Storm" Notes Matthew 8:28-34 - "The Deliverance of Two Demon-Possessed Men" Notes Matthew 9:1-8 - "The Healing and Forgiveness of a Paralytic" Notes Matthew 9:9-13 - "The Calling of Matthew" Notes Matthew 9:14-17 - "The Question of Fasting" Notes Matthew 9:18-26 - "The Raising of a Girl and the Healing of a Woman" Notes Matthew 9:27-31 - "The Healing of Two Blind Men" Notes Matthew 9:32-34 - "The Healing of a Mute Man" Notes Matthew 9:35-38 - "The Compassion of Jesus" Notes Matthew 10:1-4 - "The Twelve Apostles" Notes Matthew 10:5-15 - "The Directions for the Disciples" Notes Matthew 10:16-31 - "Perserverance in Persecution" Notes Matthew 10:32-42 - "Reward for the Righteous" Notes Matthew 11:1-19 - "John the Baptist" Notes Matthew 11:20-30 - "Condemnation Versus Comfort" Notes Matthew 12:1-8 - "Condemnation Versus Compassion" Notes Matthew 12:9-21 - "The Healing of a Withered Hand" Notes Matthew 12:22-37 - "The Unforgivable Sin" Notes Matthew 12:38-42 - "The Unappreciated Sign" Notes Matthew 12:43-45 - "The Unclean Spirit" Notes Matthew 12:46-50 - "The Unrelated Siblings" Notes Matthew 13:1-9 - "The Parable of the Sower" Notes Matthew 13:10-17 - "The Purpose of Parables" Notes Matthew 13:18-23 - "The Parable of the Sower Explained" Notes Matthew 13:24-35 - "The Parables to the Crowds" Notes Matthew 13:36-52 - "The Parables to the Disciples" Notes Matthew 13:53-58 - "The Opposition by the Nazarenes" Notes Matthew 14:1-12 - "The Opposition by Herod" Notes Matthew 14:13-21 - "The Feeding of the Five Thousand" Notes Matthew 14:22-33 - "Jesus Walks on the Water" Notes Matthew 14:34-36 - "The Healings at Gennesaret" Notes Matthew 15:1-9 - "Traditions Versus Commandments" Notes Matthew 15:10-20 - "The Cause of Defilement" Notes Matthew 15:21-28 - "The Canaanite Woman" Notes Matthew 15:29-31 - "Healing the Gentile Crowds" Notes Matthew 15:32-39 - "The Feeding of the Four Thousand" Notes Matthew 16: 1-4 - "The Pharisees and Sadducees Demand a Sign" Notes Matthew 16:5-12 - "Jesus Warns about the Pharisees and Sadducees" Notes Matthew 16:13-20 - "Jesus Reveals the Church" Notes Matthew 16:24-28 - "Jesus Reveals the Cost of Discipleship" Notes Matthew 17:1-13 - "The Transfiguration" Notes Matthew 17:14-21 - "The Healing of a Boy with Epilepsy" Notes Matthew 17:22-23 - "Jesus Predicts His Death and Resurrection Again" Notes Matthew 17:24-27 - "The Provision for the Temple Tax" Notes Matthew 18:1-6 - "Greatness in the Kingdom of Heaven" Notes Matthew 18:7-14 - "The Parable of the Lost Sheep" Notes Matthew 18:15-16 - "Church Discipline Part 1" Notes Matthew 18:17-20 - "Church Discipline Part 2" Notes Matthew 18:21-35 - "The Parable of the Unmerciful Slave" Notes Matthew 19:1-6 - "Jesus Teaches About Marriage" Notes Tweet