Sermons from 2004
Back to Sermon ArchiveDecember 26, 2004
The Feast of Booths - Part 1
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Passage: John 7:1-13
December 19, 2004
Our Care for Those in Need
Speaker: Gerry Andersen Series: 1 Timothy Topic: ministry Passage: 1 Timothy 5:1-16
December 12, 2004
The Bread of Life - Part 7
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Passage: John 6:66-71
December 5, 2004
The Bread of Life - Part 6
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Passage: John 6:60-65
November 28, 2004
The Bread of Life - Part 5
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Passage: John 6:52-59
November 21, 2004
The Development of the Church
Speaker: Gerry Andersen Series: 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 4:10-16
November 14, 2004
The Bread of Life - Part 4
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Topic: election Passage: John 6:41-51
November 7, 2004
The Bread of Life - Part 3
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Topic: eternal security, election Passage: John 6:36-40
October 31, 2004
The Bread of Life - Part 2
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Passage: John 6:28-35
October 24, 2004
The Bread of Life - Part 1
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Passage: John 6:22-27
October 17, 2004
The Defense of the Church
Speaker: Gerry Andersen Series: 1 Timothy Topic: legalism, church Passage: 1 Timothy 4:1-9
October 3, 2004
The Feeding of the 5000 - Part 2
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Passage: John 6:10-15
September 26, 2004
The Feeding of the 5000 - Part 1
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Passage: John 6:1-9
September 19, 2004
Christ Calls Witnesses to the Stand - Part 2
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Passage: John 5:39-47
September 12, 2004
The Confession of Church Doctrine
Speaker: Gerry Andersen Series: 1 Timothy Topic: doctrine of Christ Passage: 1 Timothy 3:14-16
September 5, 2004
The Character of Church Deacons
Speaker: Gerry Andersen Series: 1 Timothy Topic: church leadership Passage: 1 Timothy 3:8-13
August 29, 2004
Christ Calls Witnesses to the Stand - Part 1
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Passage: John 5:30-38
August 15, 2004
Christ's Equality With God
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Topic: doctrine of Christ Passage: John 5:19-24
August 1, 2004
The Character of Church Elders
Speaker: Gerry Andersen Series: 1 Timothy Topic: church leadership Passage: 1 Timothy 3:1-7
July 4, 2004
Fruitful Labor
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Topic: witnessing, evangelism Passage: John 4:39-42
June 27, 2004
Our Conduct in the Church
Speaker: Gerry Andersen Series: 1 Timothy Topic: ministry Passage: 1 Timothy 2:11-15
June 20, 2004
Soul Food Special
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Topic: witnessing, evangelism Passage: John 4:35-38
May 30, 2004
Worshiping God in Truth
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Topic: worship Passage: John 4:24-26
May 16, 2004
Worshiping God in Spirit
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Topic: worship Passage: John 4:20-23
May 9, 2004
The State of Our Unions
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Topic: marriage Passage: John 4:15-19
May 2, 2004
Our Conduct as the Church
Speaker: Gerry Andersen Series: 1 Timothy Topic: holiness, prayer Passage: 1 Timothy 2:8-10
April 18, 2004
Ministering While Physically Weary
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Topic: ministry Passage: John 4:1-9
April 11, 2004
The First People to See Jesus Alive
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Topic: Easter Passage: Matthew 28:1-10
March 28, 2004
Our Conduct in the World
Speaker: Gerry Andersen Series: 1 Timothy Topic: salvation, prayer, government Passage: 1 Timothy 2:1-7
March 21, 2004
Grace Giving
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: 2 Corinthians Topic: giving, finances Passage: 2 Corinthians 8:1-5
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March 14, 2004
He Must Increase - I Must Decrease
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Passage: John 3:22-30
March 7, 2004
For God So Loved the World - Part 5
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Passage: John 3:17-21
February 29, 2004
For God So Loved the World - Part 4
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Passage: John 3:16
February 22, 2004
The Prescription for Timothy
Speaker: Gerry Andersen Series: 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 1:18-20
February 15, 2004
For God So Loved the World - Part 3
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Topic: gospel Passage: John 3:16
February 8, 2004
For God So Loved the World - Part 2
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Topic: gospel Passage: John 3:16
February 1, 2004
For God So Loved the World - Part 1
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Topic: gospel Passage: John 3:16
January 25, 2004
You Must Be Born Again - Part 4
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Passage: John 3:9-15
January 18, 2004
The Perspective of Paul
Speaker: Gerry Andersen Series: 1 Timothy Topic: biographies Passage: 1 Timothy 1:12-17
January 11, 2004
You Must Be Born Again - Part 3
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Passage: John 3:6-8
January 4, 2004
You Must Be Born Again - Part 2
Speaker: Dale Whitehead Series: John Topic: gospel Passage: John 3:4-5