The Valley Bible Church Women's Ministry provides many opportunities for fellowship and encouragement. Our Women's Ministry is designed to supplement, not replace, involvement in one of our many growth groups. If you are not involved in a growth group, we would hope you would find the women of Valley Bible able to assist you in joining a growth group.
Wednesday Bible Study
Our women meet from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Wednesdays at the church in room 104 for fellowship and expository teaching with an emphasis on personal application through the use of questions and group discussion. All women are welcome. Childcare is provided for children up to 4 years old. Previous studies can be found here. Contact Lynda Critchfield (236-4413) with any questions.
Mugs & Muffins
The VBC women meet throughout the year for Mugs & Muffins. Come for encouragement and fellowship with muffins and coffee.
Wellspring is a spring-time event with Bible teaching and fellowship time for the Women of Valley Bible Church.
Women’s Conference
The Women’s Conference at Valley Bible Church is an opportunity for women to interact with the Truths of God’s Word. Every Fall, women gather all day on Saturday to take an in-depth study of the Word of God as we fellowship and encourage one another.