Valley Bible's Adult Education ministry serves to provide more in depth teaching on various books of the Bible as well as other theological and biblical topics. This is done primarily through our Adult Sunday School class that meets on Sunday mornings in Room 104 during our 10:30 a.m. service. However, we also occasionally offer classes at other times throughout the year. Below you will find resources from many of the classes that our church has offered over the past many years.

Adult Bible Class

Old Testament Survey I (Fall 2023)

Old Testament Survey II (Spring 2024)

Applying Scripture to Life's Difficulties (Fall 2024)


Books of the Bible

Survey of the Bible

Survey of the Old Testament

Survey of the Torah (Genesis-Deuteronomy)

Old Testament Survey I (Fall 2023)

Old Testament Survey II (Spring 2024)


Psalm 119




Survey of the New Testament








Themes in 2 Timothy


1 John



Theological Topics

Attributes of God

Biblical Worldview

Church History

Creation Studies


God's Sovereignty

Introduction to Eschatology

Issues in Charismatic Theology

Issues in Reformed Theology

Ministering to Roman Catholics

Modern Theological Issues in the Church

Overview of the End Times

Roman Catholicism - An Evaluation

Sola Scriptura

Systematic Theology

Theology Survey

Topics in Practical Theology (2007)

Topics in Practical Theology (2010)

The Trinity and the Nature of Christ

Understanding End Times Prophecy

World Religions, Cults, and Aberrant Beliefs


Topical Biblical Studies

Ancient N.T. Manuscripts

Applying Scripture to Life

Bible Chronology

The Bible Code

Bible Difficulties

Bible Interpretation

Biblical Counseling

Biblical Solutions for Life Issues

Christian Character

Christian Life Maturity

Cloning, Genetic Engineering, & IVF

Earthquake Apologetics


Fundamentals of the Faith

Financial Management

History of O.T. Israel

The Life of Christ

The Life of Joseph

Parables of Jesus

The Passion Week

The Prayer of Jabez

Preparing, Practicing, and Perseverance in Studying Scripture

Science in Light of Scripture

The Star of Bethlehem

Studying Scripture Contextually, Carefully, and Exegetically